2. Tutorial

This tutorial goes through the steps of single class (tree) detection and delineation. A guide to multiclass prediction (e.g. species mapping, disease mapping) is coming soon. Example data that can be used in this tutorial is available here.

The key steps are:

  1. Preparing data

  2. Training models

  3. Evaluating model performance

  4. Making landscape level predictions

Before getting started ensure detectree2 is installed through

(.venv) $pip install git+https://github.com/PatBall1/detectree2.git

To train a model you will need an orthomosaic (as <orthmosaic>.tif) and corresponding tree crown polgons that are readable by Geopandas (e.g. <crowns_polygon>.gpkg, <crowns_polygon>.shp). For the best results, manual crowns should be supplied as dense clusters rather than sparsely scattered across in the landscape. The method is designed to make predictions across the entirety of the supplied tiles and assumes training tiles are comprehensively labelled. If the network is shown scenes that are incompletely labelled, it may replicate that in its predictions. See below for an example of the required input crowns and image.

Example Danum training data

If you would just like to make predictions on an orthomosaic with a pre-trained model from the model_garden, skip to part 4 (Generating landscape predictions).

2.1. Preparing data

An example of the recommended file structure when training a new model is as follows:

├── Danum                                       (site directory)   ├── rgb
│      └── Dan_2014_RGB_project_to_CHM.tif     (RGB orthomosaic in local UTM CRS)   └── crowns
│       └── Danum.gpkg                          (Crown polygons readable by geopandas e.g. Geopackage, shapefile)
└── Paracou                                     (site directory)
    ├── rgb
       ├── Paracou_RGB_2016_10cm.tif           (RGB orthomosaic in local UTM CRS)
       └── Paracou_RGB_2019.tif                (RGB orthomosaic in local UTM CRS)
    └── crowns
        └── UpdatedCrowns8.gpkg                 (Crown polygons readable by geopandas e.g. Geopackage, shapefile)

Here we have two sites available to train on (Danum and Paracou). Several site directories can be included in the training and testing phase (but only a single site directory is required). If available, several RGB orthomosaics can be included in a single site directory (see e.g Paracou -> RGB).

We call functions to from detectree2’s tiling and training modules.

from detectree2.preprocessing.tiling import tile_data_train, to_traintest_folders
from detectree2.models.train import register_train_data, MyTrainer, setup_cfg
import rasterio
import geopandas as gpd

Set up the paths to the orthomosaic and corresponding manual crown data.

# Set up input paths
site_path = "/content/drive/Shareddrives/detectree2/data/Paracou"
img_path = site_path + "/rgb/2016/Paracou_RGB_2016_10cm.tif"
crown_path = site_path + "/crowns/220619_AllSpLabelled.gpkg"

# Read in the tiff file
data = rasterio.open(img_path)

# Read in crowns (then filter by an attribute if required)
crowns = gpd.read_file(crown_path)
crowns = crowns.to_crs(data.crs.data) # making sure CRS match

Set up the tiling parameters.

The tile size will depend on:

  • The resolution of your imagery.

  • Available computational resources.

  • The detail required on the crown outline.

  • If using a pre-trained model, the tile size used in training should roughly match the tile size of predictions.

# Set tiling parameters
buffer = 30
tile_width = 40
tile_height = 40
threshold = 0.6
appends = str(tile_width) + "_" + str(buffer) + "_" + str(threshold) # this helps keep file structure organised
out_dir = site_path + "/tiles_" + appends + "/"

The total tile size here is 100 m x 100 m (a 40 m x 40 m core area with a surrounding 30 m buffer that overlaps with surrounding tiles). Including a buffer is recommended as it allows for tiles that include more training crowns.

Next we tile the data. The tile_data_train function will only retain tiles that contain more than the given threshold coverage of training data (here 60%). This helps to reduce the chance that the network is trained with tiles that contain a large number of unlabelled crowns (which would reduce its sensitivity).

tile_data_train(data, out_dir, buffer, tile_width, tile_height, crowns, threshold)


If tiles are outputing as blank images set dtype_bool = True in the tile_data_train function. This is a bug and we are working on fixing it.


You will want to relax the threshold value if your trees are sparsely distributed across your landscape. Remember, detectree2 was initially designed for dense, closed canopy forests so some of the default assumptions will reflect that.

Send geojsons to train folder (with sub-folders for k-fold cross validation) and test folder.

data_folder = out_dir # data_folder is the folder where the .png, .tif, .geojson tiles have been stored
to_traintest_folders(data_folder, out_dir, test_frac=0.15, strict=True, folds=5)


If strict=True, the to_traintest_folders function will automatically removes training/validation geojsons that have any overlap with test tiles (including the buffers), ensuring strict spatial separation of the test data. However, this can remove a significant proportion of the data available to train on so if validation accuracy is a sufficient test of model performance test_frac can be set to 0 or set strict=False (which allows for some overlap in the buffers between test and train/val tiles).

The data has now been tiled and partitioned for model training, tuning and evaluation.

└── Danum                                       (site directory)
    ├── rgb
    │   └── Dan_2014_RGB_project_to_CHM.tif     (RGB orthomosaic in local UTM CRS)
    ├── crowns
    │   └── Danum.gpkg
    └── tiles                                   (tile directory)
        ├── train
        │   ├── fold_1                          (train/val fold folder)
        │   ├── fold_2                          (train/val fold folder)
        │   └── ...
        └── test                                (test data folder)

It is advisable to do a visual inspection on the tiles to ensure that the tiling has worked as expected and that crowns and images align. This can be done quickly with the inbuilt detectron2 visualisation tools.

from detectron2.data import DatasetCatalog, MetadataCatalog
from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer
from detectree2.models.train import combine_dicts, register_train_data
import random
import cv2
from PIL import Image

name = "Danum"
train_location = "/content/drive/Shareddrives/detectree2/data/" + name + "/tiles_" + appends + "/train"
dataset_dicts = combine_dicts(train_location, 1) # The number gives the fold to visualise
trees_metadata = MetadataCatalog.get(name + "_train")

for d in dataset_dicts:
   img = cv2.imread(d["file_name"])
   visualizer = Visualizer(img[:, :, ::-1], metadata=trees_metadata, scale=0.3)
   out = visualizer.draw_dataset_dict(d)
   image = cv2.cvtColor(out.get_image()[:, :, ::-1], cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
Training tile 1

Training tile 2

2.2. Training a model

Before training can commence, it is necessary to register the training data. It is possible to set a validation fold for model evaluation (which can be helpful for tuning models). The validation fold can be changed over different training steps to expose the model to the full range of available training data. Register as many different folders as necessary

train_location = "/content/drive/Shareddrives/detectree2/data/Danum/tiles_" + appends + "/train/"
register_train_data(train_location, 'Danum', val_fold=5)

train_location = "/content/drive/Shareddrives/detectree2/data/Paracou/tiles_" + appends + "/train/"
register_train_data(train_location, "Paracou", val_fold=5)

The data will be registered as <name>_train and <name>_val (or Paracou_train and Paracou_val in the above example). It will be necessary to supply these registation names below…

We must supply a base_model from Detectron2’s model_zoo. This loads a backbone that has been pre-trained which saves us the pain of training a model from scratch. We are effectively transferring this model and (re)training it on our problem for the sake of time and efficiency. The trains and tests variables containing the registered datasets should be tuples containing strings. If just a single site is being used a comma should still be supplied (e.g. trains = ("Paracou_train",)) otherwise the data loader will malfunction.

# Set the base (pre-trained) model from the detectron2 model_zoo
base_model = "COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml"

trains = ("Paracou_train", "Danum_train", "SepilokEast_train", "SepilokWest_train") # Registered train data
tests = ("Paracou_val", "Danum_val", "SepilokEast_val", "SepilokWest_val") # Registered validation data

out_dir = "/content/drive/Shareddrives/detectree2/220809_train_outputs"

cfg = setup_cfg(base_model, trains, tests, workers = 4, eval_period=100, max_iter=3000, out_dir=out_dir) # update_model arg can be used to load in trained  model

Alternatively, it is possible to train from one of detectree2’s pre-trained models. This is normally recommended and especially useful if you only have limited training data available. To retrieve the model from the repo’s model_garden run e.g.:

!wget https://zenodo.org/records/10522461/files/230103_randresize_full.pth

Then set up the configurations as before but with the trained model also supplied:

# Set the base (pre-trained) model from the detectron2 model_zoo
base_model = "COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml"

# Set the updated model weights from the detectree2 pre-trained model
trained_model = "./230103_randresize_full.pth"

trains = ("Paracou_train", "Danum_train", "SepilokEast_train", "SepilokWest_train") # Registered train data
tests = ("Paracou_val", "Danum_val", "SepilokEast_val", "SepilokWest_val") # Registered validation data

out_dir = "/content/drive/Shareddrives/detectree2/220809_train_outputs"

cfg = setup_cfg(base_model, trains, tests, trained_model, workers = 4, eval_period=100, max_iter=3000, out_dir=out_dir) # update_model arg used to load in trained model


You may want to experiment with how you set up the cfg. The variables can make a big difference to how quickly model training will converge given the particularities of the data supplied and computational resources available.

Once we are all set up, we can get commence model training. Training will continue until a specified number of iterations (max_iter) or until model performance is no longer improving (“early stopping” via patience). Training outputs, including model weights and training metrics, will be stored in out_dir.

trainer = MyTrainer(cfg, patience = 5)


Early stopping is implemented and will be triggered by a sustained failure to improve on the performance of predictions on the validation fold. This is measured as the AP50 score of the validation predictions.

2.3. Evaluating model performance

Coming soon! See Colab notebook for example routine (detectree2/notebooks/colab/evaluationJB.ipynb).

2.4. Generating landscape predictions

Here we call the necessary functions.

from detectree2.preprocessing.tiling import tile_data
from detectree2.models.outputs import project_to_geojson, stitch_crowns, clean_crowns
from detectree2.models.predict import predict_on_data
from detectree2.models.train import setup_cfg
from detectron2.engine import DefaultPredictor
import rasterio

Start by tiling up the entire orthomosaic so that a crown map can be made for the entire landscape. Tiles should be approximately the same size as those trained on (typically ~ 100 m). A buffer (here 30 m) should be included so that we can discard partial the crowns predicted at the edge of tiles.

# Path to site folder and orthomosaic
site_path = "/content/drive/Shareddrives/detectree2/data/BCI_50ha"
img_path = site_path + "/rgb/2015.06.10_07cm_ORTHO.tif"
tiles_path = site_path + "/tilespred/"
# Read in the geotiff
data = rasterio.open(img_path)
# Location of trained model
model_path = "/content/drive/Shareddrives/detectree2/models/220629_ParacouSepilokDanum_JB.pth"

# Specify tiling
buffer = 30
tile_width = 40
tile_height = 40
tile_data(data, tiles_path, buffer, tile_width, tile_height, dtype_bool = True)


If tiles are outputing as blank images set dtype_bool = True in the tile_data function. This is a bug and we are working on fixing it.

To download a pre-trained model from the model_garden you can run wget on the package repo

!wget https://zenodo.org/records/10522461/files/230103_randresize_full.pth

Point to a trained model, set up the configuration state and make predictions on the tiles.

trained_model = "./230103_randresize_full.pth"
cfg = setup_cfg(update_model=trained_model)
predict_on_data(tiles_path, predictor=DefaultPredictor(cfg))

Once the predictions have been made on the tiles, it is necessary to project them back into geographic space.

project_to_geojson(tiles_path, tiles_path + "predictions/", tiles_path + "predictions_geo/")

To create a useful outputs it is necessary to stitch the crowns together while handling overlaps in the buffer. Invalid geometries may arise when converting from a mask to a polygon - it is usually best to simply remove these. Cleaning the crowns will remove instances where there is large overlaps between predicted crowns (removing the predictions with lower confidence).

crowns = stitch_crowns(tiles_path + "predictions_geo/", 1)
clean = clean_crowns(crowns, 0.6, confidence=0) # set a confidence>0 to filter out less confident crowns

By default the clean_crowns function will remove crowns with a condidence of less than 20%. The above ‘clean’ crowns includes crowns of all confidence scores (0%-100%) as condidence=0. It is likely that crowns with very low confidence will be poor quality so it is usually preferable to filter these out. A suitable threshold can be determined by eye in QGIS or implemented as single line in Python. Confidence_score is a column in the crowns GeoDataFrame and is considered a tunable parameter.

clean = clean[clean["Confidence_score"] > 0.5] # step included for illustration - can be done in clean_crowns func

The outputted crown polygons will have many vertices because they are generated from a mask which is pixelwise. If you will need to edit the crowns in QGIS it is best to simplify them to a reasonable number of vertices. This can be done with simplify method. The tolerance will determine the coarseness of the simplification it has the same units as the coordinate reference system of the GeoSeries (meters when working with UTM).

clean = clean.set_geometry(clean.simplify(0.3))

Once we’re happy with the crown map, save the crowns to file.

clean.to_file(site_path + "/crowns_out.gpkg")

View the file in QGIS or ArcGIS to see whether you are satisfied with the results. The first output might not be perfect and so tweaking of the above parameters may be necessary to get a satisfactory output.