3. Tutorial (multiclass)
This tutorial goes through the steps of multiclass detection and delineation (e.g. species mapping, disease mapping). A guide to single class prediction is available here - this covers more detail on the fundamentals of training and should be reviewed before this tutorial. The multiclassprocess is slightly more intricate than single class prediction as the classes need to be correctly encoded and caried throughout the pipeline.
The key steps are:
Preparing data
Training models
Evaluating model performance
Making landscape level predictions
3.1. Preparing data
Data can be prepared in a similar way to the single class case but the classes and their order (mapping) need to be saved so that they can be accessed consistently across training and prediction. The classes are saved in a json file with the class names and their indices. The indices are used to encode the classes in the training.
import rasterio
import geopandas as gpd
# Load the data
base_dir = "/content/drive/MyDrive/SHARED/detectree2"
site_path = base_dir + "/data/Danum_lianas"
# Set the path to the orthomosaic and the crown shapefile
img_path = site_path + "/rgb/2017_50ha_Ortho_reproject.tif"
crown_path = site_path + "/crowns/Danum_lianas_full2017.gpkg"
# Here, we set the name of the output folder.
# Set tiling parameters
buffer = 30
tile_width = 40
tile_height = 40
threshold = 0.6
appends = str(tile_width) + "_" + str(buffer) + "_" + str(threshold)
out_dir = site_path + "/tilesClass_" + appends + "/"
# Read in the tiff file
data = rasterio.open(img_path)
# Read in crowns (then filter by an attribute?)
crowns = gpd.read_file(crown_path)
crowns = crowns.to_crs(data.crs.data)
class_column = 'status'
# Record the classes and save the class mapping
crowns=crowns, # Geopandas dataframe with crowns
out_dir=out_dir, # Output directory to save class mapping
column=class_column, # Column to be used for classes
save_format='json' # Choose between 'json' or 'pickle'
The class mapping has been saved in the output directory as a json file called
. This file can now be accessed to encode the classes in
training and prediction steps.
To tile the data, we call the tile_data
function as we did in the single
class case except now we point to the column name of the classes.
# Tile the data
img_path=img_path, # Path to the orthomosaic
out_dir=out_dir, # Output directory to save tiles
buffer=buffer, # Buffer around the crowns
tile_width=tile_width, # Width of the tiles
tile_height=tile_height, # Height of the tiles
crowns=crowns, # Geopandas dataframe with crowns
threshold=threshold, # Threshold for the buffer
class_column=class_column, # Column to be used for classes
# Split the data into training and validation sets
tiles_folder=out_dir, # Directory where tiles are saved
out_folder=out_dir, # Final directory for train/test data
test_frac=0, # Fraction of data to be used for testing
folds=5, # Number of folds (optional, can be set to 1 for no fold splitting)
strict=False, # Ensure no overlap between train/test tiles
seed=42 # Set seed for reproducibility
3.2. Training models
To train with multiple classes, we need to ensure that the classes are registered correctly in the dataset catalogue. This can be done with the class mapping file that was saved in the previous step. The class mapping file will set the classes and their indices.
from detectree2.models.train import register_train_data, remove_registered_data, setup_cfg, MyTrainer
from detectree2.preprocessing.tiling import load_class_mapping
# Set validation fold
val_fold = 5
site_path = base_dir + "/data/Danum_lianas"
train_dir = site_path + "/tilesClass_40_30_0.6/train"
class_mapping_file = site_path + "/tilesClass_40_30_0.6/" + "/class_to_idx.json"
data_name = "DanumLiana"
register_train_data(train_dir, data_name, val_fold=val_fold, class_mapping_file=class_mapping_file)
Now the data is registered, should generate the configuration (cfg) and train the model. By passing the class mapping file to the configuration set up, the cfg will be register the number of classes.
from detectron2.modeling import build_model
from detectron2.modeling.roi_heads.fast_rcnn import FastRCNNOutputLayers
import numpy as np
from datetime import date
today = date.today()
today = today.strftime("%y%m%d")
names = [data_name,]
trains = (names[0] + "_train",)
tests = (names[0] + "_val",)
out_dir = "/content/drive/MyDrive/WORK/detectree2/models/" + today + "_Danum_lianas"
base_model = "COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml" # Path to the model config
# When you increase the number of channels (i.e., the number of filters) in a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), the general recommendation is to decrease the learning rate
lrs = [0.03, 0.003, 0.0003, 0.00003]
# Set up model configuration, using the class mapping to determine the number of classes
cfg = setup_cfg(
class_mapping_file=class_mapping_file # Optional
# Train the model
trainer = MyTrainer(cfg, patience=5)
3.3. Landscape predictions